Saturday, February 08, 2014

Hello Sunny!

I don't mind if I do. I've been out of the spotlight for a few months; 8 months to be exact. Who cares, no one reads this. This is mainly for my OWN personal mental sake. My mental distress has somewhat ceased. After the medical procedure, which I had in June...things begin to flourish somewhat. I did obtain my oh so longed bachelors in nursing degree, which I had placed on hold, since I graduated nursing school in 07. Now it was here. It arrived in a bitter time of my life, but I have to give myself credit for achieving it even when the world around me was crumbling to pieces. I began to piece back together my life more or less. Things softened up at home and I began to swim in the light again. The crying spells became less and less. The anxiety ceased and I began to feel less numb and more alive. My husband and I visited Colorado in December 2013 and spent a few days there, including new years with some friends. It was beautiful, but oh so cold. Visited The Rocky Mountains, saw some elk on the side of the road, and had some rocky mountain oysters! Clap, if you know what those are! I vowed to never complain about Texas cold fronts ever again! Gorgeous! I've also began to strengthen my commitment to my fitness once again. I have been exercising more frequently and I even registered for the gym! Been trying to change it up so I don't get bored and drop it like I usually do. I've noticed a big difference! I've lost some weight and I have gained some of my confidence back. I hope this journey continues to flourish! We gotta keep on swimming and I am...!

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