Tuesday, December 11, 2012

sunshine out

It's 1239 my sister in law leaves back home today. She spent the night last night, and her mother picked up us both this morning for some shopping and breakfast. She leaves around 4ish... Will miss her very much; hanging around her brings back so many homey memories (homey?)... Of old times, when life was even simpler and yet more difficult. Oh adolescence is so complicated, yuck! Regardless this weekend has been exhausting and fast. Having an extra 2 days off aside from sat and sun is helpful in getting things done, but at times it seems like prolonged hecticness. Either that, or my own mind is exhausting! The weather doesn't help either. It has been cold for the last few days and well the grayness and gloominess hasn't kept me bright and awake. Sleep is all I crave at the moment. Hoping to exercise in a few hours. I just need to find the push to do so..Srsly, i need some sun!

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