Sunday, November 25, 2012

the quiet before the storm...

I feel the quiet before the storm...A bit scary and at times exciting! I feel the promiximity of the climax and the conclusion to this story (my fall semester is almost over!) oh so close, oh so far. 2 weeks away... eeekkk! I am completely exhausted and never with enough zzzz's on board..imagine that! I've been a little emotional could be merely the holidays, the fatigue, and just overall my fragile state. I haven't exercised, which is one of my tools that helps me cope with anxiety and stress... I miss it, but I am hoping that once this semester is over, I will get back at it. nevertheless... i've been hooked on the next iron chef, and I've given up my faithfulness to zombies...I'd rather much watch chef zacharian talk about LOL
This is a picture I took in Vegas. Good times...

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