Monday, December 24, 2012

eventful holiday 2012 break

The holiday break has been eventful. Hosted that mini party on saturday and it went nicely. Passed out early, but my friends appeared to have a good time! Saw my papa on Friday and Saturday again and he asked me to pick up a plant he bought me as a gift! What a wonderful thing that was! As a growing adult,my father held a job as a gardner...Strange, that I love to garden. Get it from my dad? My other girlfriend gave me another plant on saturday on the day of the get-to-gether... Here they are. Great day and moment yesterday to lounge in the hammock and enjoy them, while I read off of Rob's kindle. This was around 6pm, cool, with the tropical holidays that we usually experience every year in Texas.
I also celebrated 5 years of dating my husband, which according to my husband doesn't count as much as the wedding anniversaries, which I can agree on; regardless, I think that remembering dates is always nice..reliving memories especially.. We spend a quiet sunday on the island, had lunch, and did a tiny bit of xmas shopping. Althought the stores were ridiculously packed, we managed to get in and out...I hada a dillard's gift card, which I was burning to make a hole in..even then, I used it to get gifts for others...Giving even without receiving is always a wonderful experience! No matter what! Today on the 24th we went morning fishing near the ship channel and I schooled my husband and caught the keeping trout! We opted to release her because we didn't want to waste some precious meat, if we were opt to pig out tonight on Xmas dinner with my family. Here she is...
The view was wonderful out there..It was relaxing and peaceful. We left our home around 630 and were out in the water by 720...Great work out from paddling the kayay and I am feeling the burn already. Hoping the holidays continue to be wonderful and joyful as now...the spirits continue to remain high...

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